Technical Resources

Technical Resources

Polycore leads the oil industry with its patented liner technology.
Read our fast facts, technical papers, and case studies to learn more about how our products change the industry as a whole.


Fast Facts

Thermoplastic liners can be mechanically damaged. Please visually inspect rod string and boxes to make sure they are free from sharp edges or corrosion damage.
Minimum API Torque should be followed when making up connections. Avoid special position makeup.
Drifting of connections after makeup is strongly suggested.
Thermoplastic lined tubular creates an ID restriction; please refer to the Common Oilfield Dimensions chart and drift sizes.
Thermoplastic liners are inert to most chemicals and acids.
Thermoplastic liners can be used in horizontal wells where the pump is set below kick-off point.
Thermoplastic liners can be used in wells that are highly deviated, dog-legged, or corkscrewed.
Rod guides are not recommended in rod wells.
Hot oiling or hot watering can be performed on thermoplastics with a recommended minimum safety margin of -23.33°C (-10°F) liner temperature limit to allow room for error in field temperature measurements and uneven heating of fluids.
Remember, liners protect the ID of your tubular. If you start with yellow banded pipe, then in 10 years, you will still have yellow band pipe unless you have an environment that deteriorates the OD of the steel.
Thermoplastics do not add strength to the steel. Evaluate structural integrity of the steel tubing before lining and installation.
The unique mechanical bonding process allows the ability to line used tubing.


Case Studies

Successful Water Injection and Disposal Applications of Thermoplastic Lined Downhole Tubing

Successful Oil and Gas Production Well Applications of Thermoplastic Lined Downhole Tubing


Technical Papers

Mitigating Downhole Corrosion and Wear Failures Technical Paper

Sucker Rod Coupling Friction in HDPE Lined Tubing Technical Paper

Thermoplastic Liners – Reduce Downhole Failures Technical Paper

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Polycore, a subsidiary of Western Falcon Energy Services, has demonstrated success in over 20 million meters (70 million feet) of pipe in the last 20 years! There is not a well we can’t fix.